I'm Going Golfing...

Monday Sep 23rd, 2019


Thoughts From Judy Stacee-Cleaver Broker of Record, FRI, ABR, ASA

I'm Going Golfing!
(for charity, that is)
Well, kids are back at school, summer's over and politicians are campaigning in full force. We now have more parties running than ever before - what's that all about?

Most Canadians originally came from other countries, worked the land and worked hard to have a better life. They pay taxes, practice their faith and look after their families.

We expect our government to protect us, give us proper guidelines.

Statistics today show there are less first time Buyers. This is the group that turns the wheel so the existing home owners can sell, retire, move to a condo, or move out to areas where properties are more manageable in price. That's good news for outlying communities that are expanding.

All that pent up emotion over the last year and half got released this summer with an active housing market.
We almost made up for the down-slide of 2018, give or take a few months, but prices did remain soft in most areas.

Yes, there is a slowdown in house sales, which is to be expected. It's that time of the year.

Expect to take longer selling your house. Don't expect crazy multiple offers unless you are aggressively priced.

The good news is that first time Buyers have been given a plan to help them purchase homes between $500,000 to $600,000. Yes there are rules and guidelines, but it is a gift to be grateful for.

The government giveth and the government taketh away. The wheels turn ever so slowly.

(Tell you about the golfing in the next issue) 

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