Not Just Monkeying Around
Thursday Feb 11th, 2016
There are a lot of things to celebrate in February. This week alone we started with Superbowl Sunday, moved into Chinese New Year on Monday, followed by Fat Tuesday (a.k.a Mardi Gras) and Ash Wednesday. We have Valentine’s Day on the 14th and Family Day on the 16th, but it doesn’t stop there. We have numerous special days for the rest of the month, all the way up to February 29th when we will celebrate the Leap Year.
“It can’t be monkey-see, monkey-do this year — you can and must lead the way. All that pent up passion needs a creative outlet and in both your private life and your career you will be the proverbial unstoppable force. Greatness beckons. All hail the Monkey “King”!
Well, in our case we have a Monkey “Queen”. Around the table most of the Chinese zodiac signs are represented and our Queen, quite proud of her work family, takes the time to let us know:
“We have been successful because of three key ingredients. Loyalty. Trust. Integrity. We are small but mighty. We always have been and always will be. Real Estate is challenging but there will always be enough for us. This is not the kind of business you can do if you don’t love it, and I really do love it.”
This year Judy was proud to present Lois Thompson with a lovely gift engraved to commemorate that she was Top Producer of the Independent Real Estate Agents and Anna Stinson received a commemorative gift for being the Top Producer on the Stacee-Free Team.
Everyone looks forward to the fun, food and “monkeying around” when the “family” gets together to celebrate each other. It’s a little loud, a little raucous and we love it!

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