So Many Changes! Thoughts from Judy Stacee-Cleaver

Thursday Jun 29th, 2023


Thoughts From Judy Stacee-Cleaver
Broker of Record, FRI, ABR, ASA

So Many Changes!

The Summer Solstice is fast approaching.
It's about the transition from Fall to Summer, from out of the darkness into light, from action to nourishment. It is the beginning of Summer, and the warmth of the Sun. 
On June 21st we will see the longest daylight hours of this year. What does all this mean? I'm not sure, but there have been many changes. Everyplace you look, we see changes occurring. It can boggle your mind.
Those who have been waiting to sell their house now have a chance to do so. Buyers that have waited out the Fall and Winter months are on the move and the number of sales is increasing. This is okay, so long as prices don't escalate out of site like during the pandemic, but who really knows anymore.

The Bank of Canada increased the rates again. This affects everyone. Not only those looking for a new mortgage or mortgage renewal, and yes rentals too. There's also car loans and lines of credit that businesses sometimes use to operate. It affects just about everything! Yet life goes on. Nothing stands still.
It's the price we pay when there is a shortage in supply.

Looking forward to the Sun!

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