Thoughts From Judy Stacee-Cleaver
Broker of Record, FRI, ABR, ASA
What's Next... As a kid growing up, I understood that technology would help our industries and the manufacturing sector. Then along came computers, which were soon followed by the internet. That technology dramatically changed the way we live, eat, shop and do our jobs and it continues to evolve faster than ever expected.
Today, but for technology, we wouldn't be able to survive in the manner we have become so accustomed to. Then again, who would have thought a virus could so abruptly change our lives?
The Covid-19 Pandemic has been tragic, but can you imagine what it was like living in 1918 during the Spanish flu pandemic?
Meetings with groups of people, whether on the job or for a church service, can be attanded by video conferencing. Webinars are now the classrooms for our children while the schools are shut down. And no more agent-guided Open they too are presented virtually.
Digital techonology has radically transformed so many aspects of our lives, from communication, the workplace, to entertainment, travel, banking, and shopping. We have electric cars which soon may be doing the driving for us. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is well on its way with huge corporations investing billions of dollars in the cause.
What's next?

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