Thoughts From Judy Stacee-Cleaver Welcome 2024 to All Our Friends and Clients
Friday Mar 15th, 2024
Thoughts From Judy Stacee-Cleaver, Broker of Record, FRI, ABR
Lots Happening In March!
St. Patrick's day, a pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow, we changed to daylight savings with longer days and shorter nights. The Bank of Canada hasn't increased rates, Sales are up for the first two months of the year, even prices are up slightly and sellers are feeling more confident that buyers are out there.
Interesting that detached and semi-detached are doing slightly better in the first two months than Townhouses or Condos. The prices are a lot stronger than expected in some category's.
Seems detached houses with small apartments are still in demand, because buyers starting out need to have that comfort level of the extra income. It's been that way for as long as I can remember except years ago home owners weren't allowed to factor the income into their mortgage, but they are today.
Multi generational homes are a very good investment. If you get tired of your family, move out but keep the investment, if that is an option.
So many complain ..."Oh, I could have bought that property years ago when prices were a lot lower." Quit trying to play the housing market, live and let live and make the best decision you can at the time. Nothing is forever!
Gold is everywhere, you just need to look for it.. so, start your search here!

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